Our Philosophy
The cornerstone of our philosophy is praise for something that is done right, not punishment for something done wrong. We believe this approach has the most positive impact on young pups. Our responsibility as pet trainers/owners is to teach them what is acceptable and set them up to succeed.
Our classes are open to all breeds of dogs. We encourage family members to attend and participate. Classes are open to Los Gatos Dog & Cat Hospital clients only.
Polite Pooch About Town
Day and time tba. With Barb Izzo for 6 weeks. Class is $340.
Polite Pooch is for dogs 4 months and older. Whether you’ve just completed puppy classes or need a refresher for your older dog, this class is for you. We will work on various cues to help your dog with impulse control, settling and overall manners in real life situations. We will also have fun with our dogs, learning different ways to provide mental as well as physical stimulation. Class includes “field trips” around town. Email training@losgatosvet.com to sign up.
Puppy Preschool ( Level 1)
(for puppies 16 weeks and under)
Tuesdays starting Feb. 25th at 5:30 p.m. with Lily for 6 weeks. Class is $340. The first class is a seminar for people only, no dogs at the first class.
Email training: training@losgatosvet.com
Level 2 Class
(must have completed Puppy Preschool)
Thursdays starting Feb. 27th at 5:30 p.m. with Lily for 6 weeks. Class is $340.
*This current session is combined with our basic class.
Email Lily: training@losgatosvet.com
Basic Skills Class
(16 weeks and older)
Thursdays starting Thursday, Feb. 27th at 5:30 p.m. Class is $340 for 6 weeks. This class is for dogs 16 weeks and older with no or limited previous training. Must be friendly with other dogs.
Email Lily: Lily@losgatosvet.com
Each course runs for six weeks and costs $340, with the exception of Fiesty Fido class.
Limited spaces available, please call or email to reserve a spot BEFORE submitting your class waiver form.
Click Here For Training Class Waiver Form
The $340 payment for classes can be made online by clicking the “make a payment” button at the top of our home page here!

Lily Usherwood, CPDT-KA
Lily has been volunteering in training classes here since 2015 when she was 14 years old. She then became an official member of the LGDC team at 16. She loves all breeds but has a special place in her heart for Dachshunds and German Shepherds. She now lives in Santa Cruz and enjoys taking her German Shepherd mix, Oliver, to the beach and playing ball with him.
Lily is a Certified Professional Dog Trainer through the Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers (CCPDT). Lily teaches all classes and is a certified AKC Canine Good Citizen Evaluator! She is also a member of the Association of Professional Dog Trainers. Lily has a special interest in canine mental stimulation. She also offers private lessons and socialization walks/outings for dogs at any level.
Class Details
Puppy Preschool – is intended for puppies during their prime socialization period (9-16 weeks of age). All pups must have a negative fecal test and age appropriate vaccinations. Classes are taught using positive reinforcement and food rewards. The first meeting is WITHOUT dogs. Basic management, mouthing and biting, corrections and elimination training will be discussed in detail. Our goal is to help you take advantage of this time in your puppy’s development to form a permanent and lasting bond. Bring your questions and enjoy this informational experience.
Level 2 Class – We will refine all of the basic commands introduced in Puppy Preschool: stay, wait and come. Leash-walking is also introduced. Polite greetings will be practiced weekly.
Level 3 – This class is a continuation of our Level II class. We will continue to refine the basic commands, adding distance, duration and distractions. We will continue to work on manners, including some content of the Canine Good Citizen test.
Canine Good Citizen – Please see AKC Canine Good Citizen Test Information
For information about Doggie Daycare, please call 408-354-2292 or Email ddc@losgatosvet.com
Information on Puppy Socials is now under the Canine Socials tab in the menu at the top of the page.